City of Naples Pedestrian Bicycle Master Plan Update
April 26, 2021
Virtual Meeting Space Announcement
Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Exit Questionnaire.
The City is currently designing the 2021 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan update to increase safety and accessibility throughout the community, while not compromising the area’s small town feel and quality of life. Utilizing the input from members of the community through surveys and a public meeting in February, popular suggestions have been highlighted as focus corridors to show potential future sidewalks and pathways.
A second public involvement meeting was hosted by the City and Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB) on Thursday, April 15, 2021 to display the survey results and popular suggestions. For those who were unable to attend, a virtual option is available at: This is not a recording of the live event; it is an animated and interactive open house. The exit questionnaire that was available during the public meeting is also available in the virtual meeting space and will be active until Friday, May 7, 2021.
Questions before or after the event can be directed to The Streets and Stormwater Department’s Projects & Public Outreach Coordinator, Kayleigh Smith, at 239-213-7119 or